Weed in Barcelona FAQs

Most frequent questions and answers about Weed social clubs barcelona

It depends on the club you wish to join and become a member of. Some social weed clubs are exclusive and hence a little more expensive than others. However, most of the Weed clubs in Barcelona require yearly subscription fees, which range from €20 to €50.

Yes, most of the time. You must have an invitation from a sponsor or intermediary like “Weed in Barcelona”; otherwise, the clubs in Barcelona won’t provide you with a membership subscription, and you won’t be allowed to access the premises of the weed clubs. Therefore, it’s important to register on our website and gain membership which you can show to the desired club and then gain access.

Yes, Barcelona’s weed clubs are very secure from threats of the law and other street criminals. Anyone who joins the club can feel at ease and secure there. Avoid street marketers who offer you membership at a very low or no cost because it might not be up to your standards. Additionally, suppose the weed club when you enter appears to be dirty or understocked. In that case, it’s better to leave and look for another weed club that fulfils your requirements. 

In Spain, weed use in private spaces has been permitted for more than 20 years. However, it is forbidden to use weed in public. If the police catch you using marijuana publicly, they will seize it, and you could be fined money.

In Barcelona, it is legal to consume weed in the ease of your own home or a licensed weed club. As soon as it becomes an everyday activity within the public or on the streets, it is illegal.

In Barcelona, it is possible to be a member of more than one weed club. Multiple memberships are more convenient because you can visit any club nearby as per your needs!

Yes! Absolutely. To join Barcelona’s weed club, you don’t have to be a citizen of Spain. No law currently prohibits foreigners from signing up for a weed club in Barcelona. Most of them accept passports and driver’s licenses as acceptable forms of identification from other countries, which can help you prove your authenticity and enjoy your time smoking weed!

No, you shouldn’t worry for even a second! These weed Clubs in Barcelona never reveal your personal information to anyone and is 100% confidential. These weed clubs are PRIVATE organizations; they are not accessible to the general public and keep member information private. The club strictly adhere to its policy of protecting your data.

No! None of these clubs in Barcelona is open to access freely by anyone. Before visiting these weed clubs, it is important that you have become a member and registered for entrance; otherwise, you will be deferred for entry. You can never bring a visitor with you. Due to the strict privacy policy and safety of other members, anyone who enters these clubs must be a member.

Supongamos que elige cualquier club de cannabis de nuestro directorio o Weed Map. En ese caso, no tendrás que preocuparte porque solo te proporcionamos la lista de clubes de cannabis con licencia en Barcelona. Algunas de las señales para detectar un club de Cannabis con licencia son las siguientes:

  • Cualquier club de cannabis con licencia en Barcelona no hará publicidad pública sobre sus clubes.
  • Deben hacer que presente una solicitud y pague las cuotas antes que nada.

No, la mayoría de los clubes de Cannabis suelen negociar en efectivo por razones de seguridad. Aunque algunos clubes pueden aceptar pagos con tarjeta de crédito, siempre debe estar preparado para que lo rechacen.

  • Todos los clubes de cannabis en este sitio web que sugerimos ofrecen más de 20 variedades distintas de marihuana, divididas equitativamente entre híbridos, índicas y sativas.
  • También están disponibles concentrados como BHO y aislador.
  • Los clubes de cannabis suelen rotar su menú de cepas cada cuatro semanas. Debido a la popularidad de una variedad en particular, el club podría decidir mantener igual un tercio del menú.

La cantidad de hierba que puedes consumir en el Cannabis Club de Barcelona es de aproximadamente 100 gramos al mes.
